Seborrheic Dermatitis
Seborrheic Dermatitis disease is a chronic skin disease that is quite common. This disease manifests itself in a form of red-colored and yellow-crusted skin rashes that occur on the sides of the nose, on scalp, around ears, on the chest, groins and bellybutton.
It increases especially in autumn and winter and is triggered by stress.
In infants, it also manifests itself in the form of host on the scalp. It can and should be treated by specialist dermatologists. Various shampoos, creams and pills are used for the treatment.
The Treatment Process
We have itemized the process in steps once a decision is made in favor of having a Seborrheic dermatitis treatment. The steps are as follows;
The client is examined. Information about seborrheic dermatitis is provided. The treatment is determined depending on the severity of the condition.
Agreed medications are prescribed in support of therapeutic treatment.
The follow-up procedure is designated for the client. An appointment is given if the client will receive a therapeutic treatment.
Frequently Asked Questions
Seborrheic dermatitis exacerbates in the spring winter. Stress, fatigue, insomnia, intense work pace causes seborrheic dermatitis. However, fermented drinks such as wine and beer can also lead to an exacerbation of seborrheic dermatitis.
Local treatments are usually sufficient for the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis. Dermatitis creams should definitely be used under the supervision of a doctor.
No. Seborrheic dermatitis does not cause hair loss. If you suffer from hair loss along with crusting and itching on the scalp, you should contact your dermatologist.
The hosts that appear in the form of yellow crusts on the scalp, especially in newborn babies, are seborrheic dermatitis. It usually is temporary. In infants, it would be often good enough to soften the shells with olive oil and brush with a soft comb after bathing. However, if it does not heal or progress, it is advisable to consult a dermatologist.
Make An Appointment
Seborrheic dermatitis is a common skin disease. It is an annoying condition that often manifests itself in a form of red-colored and yellow-crusted skin rashes that occur on the sides of the nose, on scalp, around ears, on the chest, groins and bellybutton. This disease, which causes injury to the skin and constant itching, usually increases in winter and in response to increased stress levels. Dr. Visit Dr. Şirin Çelik’s to learn more about seborrheic dermatitis. Shampoo, creams and pills are usually involved in the treatment.
- Dandruff on the scalp, eyebrows or beard
- Yellowish-whitish crusting on the scalp, face, armpits, chest, under the bustline
- Itching
Please note that the condition varies by person even though the above-listed symptoms may be common for anybody. It often is characterized with dandruff and crusting on the scalp. Itching causes discomfort, the scalp flakes off and scratching-driven scarring occurs.
How to Treat Seborrheic Dermatitis?
It should be administered by a specialist dermatologist. Basically, medical shampoos, creams and lotions are used. The client’s blood test are taken to check with the hormone balance and the underlying causes. Also, if there is a need for drug treatment, the drug is administered and supplemented with the right choice of shampoo. As the client starts using the shampoos recommended by the doctor, she will notice the relief on the scalp and on injured areas in a short time. In addition to this procedure, lifestyle improvements are usually recommended. Healthy nutrition, regular fluid intake, and a life away from stress are among the biggest treatment methods for any person. If you are also suffering from seborrheic dermatitis, you can reach permanent solutions in a short time by starting a treatment for seborrheic dermatitis at our clinic in Istanbul.
Thanks to the treatments offered by Dr. Şirin Çelik, who has been serving in the field of skin and venereal diseases for years, permanent solutions are achieved in a short time. You can start a treatment for seborrheic dermatitis instantly by visiting our clinic in Nişantaşı. Please feel free to contact us via communication channels to make an appointment. Alternatively you can make an appointment online.