Moles (Nevi)
Moles or nevi are a common type of skin growth. They often appear as small, dark brown spots.
There are many different types of moles. Some of them can be dangerous as they transform over time. The sun in particular triggers the transformation.
Change of color and shape, growth, bleeding, itching in moles can be an early signhal of this transformation. In such cases, you should definitely consult a dermatologist
The Treatment Process
We have itemized the process in steps once a decision to have a mole treatment ia made. The steps are as follows;
The client is examined. Information is given about moles (Nevi). The treatment is determined depending on the severity of the condition.
Agreed medications are prescribed in support of therapeutic treatment.
The follow-up procedure is designated for the client. An appointment is given if the client will receive a therapeutic treatment.
Frequently Asked Questions
One's genetic structure determines the number of moles on the skin. The risk of “skin cancer” increases for above 100 moles. Sun exposure plays an important role in development of moles. Therefore, it is important to apply sunscreen before going out in the sun.
If you have a mole on your face or on any visible part of your body, you can have it removed. There are different ways to have it removed depending on the characteristics once it is dermoscopically exmained. It should be surgically removed in case of suspicipın of danger. And a sample should be sent to pathology for a more accurate diagnosis. If it does not seem risky, moles can be removed by use of plasma energy or ablative laser.
If you have moles that are not symmetrical and are of more than one color, which tends to change both in color and size over time, or swell, bleed, get itchy with no clear marks, and are larger than 0.5 cm in diameter or tend to grow rapidly, you should immediately consult a dermatologist.
A minor scar may remain after a mole removal surgery depending on its depth and the type of technique used for removal. In case of a deep-setaed mole, the treatment can be applied in 2 or 3 sessions for 6 or 8 weeks to avoid scarring. With a surgical operation, it is removed at once. Plastic stitching is applied to prevent scarring.
Removing moles is a pretty safe procedure. Sometimes, a minor bleeding may occur during the procedure, but it can be inhibited easily. You may experience a slight redness or itching sensation in the area where the mole has been removed. The redness and urge to pick disappears within days. The risk of infection is unlikely.
No, it's not dangerous to have moles removed. It is strictly advisable to consult a dermatologist first, and have it removed only after a dermoscopic examination. Some moles that appear risky may need to be surgically removed and sent to pathology.
Make An Appointment
Moles on different parts of the body may be in a form of brown, round spots. Moles that originate from melanocyte cells, which give the skin its color can be congenital or develop during the growth period. Moles can be genetic. They are sometimes lump sometimes flat on the skin. Moles are likely to appear at different times. New moles may occur during puberty, pregnancy, and when exposed to sun. Some may not be happy with the moles that develop on the skin surface. Moles that are lump are not to be torn off, squeezed out or picked. Instead, alternative solutions can be sought by consulting with the doctor. Some moles on the skin are rarely malignant. In case of suspicion, your doctor will advise you.
Diagnosis and Treatment
Moles are usually benign. In most cases, clients wish to have a mole removed as it is disturbing to the eye. Moles are not a threat to the health, so it is not imperative to have them removed. It is a misconception that a mole evolves into cancer if it is surgically operated. A mole can be removed if and when interveniton is deemed required and advisable. Instead of preferring methods such as electrocauterization (electrocautery burn) or cryotherapy (extreme cold); laser treatments -mostly carbon dioxide laser and erbium lasers- are used for moles and other melanocyte tumors. Change in color and shape, or bleeding, itching can cause transformation in mole’s structure. In these cases, it is necessary to consult a specialist dermatologist. Outward and large moles are often advised for removal. As of middle age, brown moles can develop on the face. These are called seborrheic keratoses. These moles are unlikely to deteriorate. They only are unaesthetic.
Contraindications are as follows:
- Itching
- Bleeding
- Unaesthetics
- Appearing of a new mole
- Skin-growth
We are capable of applying a mole treatment in and around Istanbul. Once examined, it is decided whether the mole needs removal or not. If you want to have a mole treatment in Istanbul, you can consult with the Specialist Şirin Çelik. Nevus treatment is applied at our center based in Nişantaşı. Call us now to make an appointment and find a solution in no time. You can contact us on our website or through our communication channels to make an appointment. Dr. Şirin Çelik and her team offer the best for any skin procedures.